Thanksgiving Fun: Unlock the Mystery of r-Controlled Vowels!

This silly r-controlled poem is one for the turkeys. Students will giggle as they discover r-controlled vowels throughout this poem. Control at Thanksgiving? Thank goodness I'm not talking about Thanksgiving dinner...or pumpkin pie.   There simply isn't much control when it…

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Independent Centers: Week 4 in Kindergarten Starts a New Path to Independence

Independent Centers are ready Week 4. I promise. We are starting centers this week in my school.  We don't start until after Labor Day, so we are only in Week 4.   Our kindergarten teachers have worked hard this week…

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DSA Cheatsheet: Comprehensive Assessment for the End of the Year

DSA. BAS. PALS. Like it or not, this is an assessment time of year.  The teachers in my school are expected to complete the PALS Test (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening), Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark, and the DSA (Developmental Spelling Assessment)...and…

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