Magic Squares combines word building and fun. AND I have to say: I think these are fun!
Magic Squares Word Building Activities
Word Building isn’t new…we all know students who can manipulate letters and sounds are building a solid foundation for reading and writing. Many students need the multi-sensory aspect of Magic Squares. The squares can connect many modalities.
At an early level, students are given a 3×3 square with a vowel or vowel team in the middle of the square. Students will make words words by connecting letters. Letters can touch side-to-side, top-to-bottom, or corner-to-corner. I created sheets to help with this activity. First, students are asked to create words to to match provided pictures. Then, students are encouraged to make more words with their square.
Students are encouraged to look for patterns and rimes, as well as, blends and digraphs.
Magic Squares Sets
If you would like a sample of these Magic Squares, please fill out the form below and download the free file.
If you would like to see the full set, make sure to click the link to my TPT store for
I hope you enjoy this “new” word building activity. It could be a fun way to end the school year.
Here are some Magic Square Options for your students.