Cathy Collier, Professional Development Presenter title
Meet Cathy Collier, author of The WISE Owl book sign

Interested in Professional Development?
I'd love to come to you.

I have recently published my first book through Teacher Created Materials. I couldn’t be more excited. Having spent the majority of my 31 years in public education in kindergarten or supporting kindergarten teachers and students, this book contains some of the tried-and-true methods I have used to teach primary students to read and write independently…and I’d love to share them with you!

I have presented for schools, divisions, districts, and conferences all over the United States. I have provided both in person and virtual professional development sessions. Let me know if I can help!

The Road to Independent
Reading and Writing

Here’s what Amazon had to say…

“This easy-to-use classroom resource is packed with kindergarten reading and writing routines, lessons, centers, charts, resources, and teaching tips. Learn to give students the tools they can use on their own to become independent readers and writers by breaking key literacy concepts and skills into manageable, teachable pieces.”

If you are a K-2 teacher or have K-2 teachers in your building you need this book! It has 297 pages of explicit lessons for reading and writing. It includes whole group, small group, and centers. Plus, there are even 150+ digital pages.


  1. Amazon listing to the right, or
  2. You can purchase it on my publisher’s website, HERE
The Road to Independent Reading and Writing
Please note: This button has an affiliate link. I receive a small
commission for purchases made through this links.

Professional development Presentations I Offer

Give them Tools, Not Excuses: Writing for the Early Learner

Good Readers are Good Writers and Good Writers are Good Readers…that was the echo frequently heard in my classroom. Writing in the early grades is often underestimated in regards to importance and in content. This professional development session looks at at comprehensive writing program for early learners.  Starting with strategic planning and progressing strategically through composition and mechanics, students are provided with explicit instruction, meaningful practice and varied opportunities to hone their skills. I’ll have ideas, routines and tools you can implement right away.

give them tools, not excuses writing for early learners
Selecting Supervising and Surviving Centers Ideas that Work

Selecting, Supervising, and Surviving Centers: Ideas that Work

This professional development session focuses on the best time of the day…Center Time.  Teachers can select quality centers for realistic independent practice that is meaningful and purposeful.  This professional development session looks at the learning environment, planning centers and making sure centers have a meaningful purpose in their day. When students are on task with centers, teachers can have time for small group instruction.  We don’t have time to waste in our day, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

Standing on the Precipice: VOCABULARY MATTERS

Vocabulary can be a road block for readers, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  Creating a world rich with words is important for not only developing reading skills, but also ensures comprehension isn’t disrupted. This professional development session looks at a twelve ideas, techniques and strategies for vocabulary lessons and discussions using mentor texts, text gradients and many more ideas.

Vocabulary Matters: Cathy Collier PD Presentations
The Value of Read Alouds

The Value of Read Alouds

Read Alouds should be the most exciting part of the day. Using high quality children’s literature, teachers can entertain and engage students in lessons and they don’t even realize they are learning.  Making connections, drawing conclusions, and more are just part of their daily activities. Don’t just pull a book off the shelf and make it work…let’s look at why making critical choices are important to your lessons.

The 6 C's of Teaching and Soccer

Teaching and Soccer?  Yep, you wouldn’t believe the similarities!  This was a Keynote Presentation for new teachers, but it can speak to teachers of all career levels. I addressed teaching in today’s classroom through the eyes of a soccer mom.  I will discuss how you can make a commitment to your class and build students for tomorrow.

The 6 C's of Teaching and Soccer

how to schedule a professional development session with me

If you are interested in having me provide a session for your and your staff, you can reach me at for more information on presentation topics, pricing, and format options.