Check out this school-wide 100th day event. AND I’ll give you a cheat to help with it.
First and Second Grade
We decided to have a 100th Day School-wide Idea. There is a bulletin board on either side of the student bathroom outside our school cafeteria.
I posted the title: “How many words can you make out of GREAT BRIDGE PRIMARY? on a Friday afternoon 11 days before the 100th day of school. First and second grade students received a hand-out with the same question.
Monday morning, I added 10 words to the board. Tuesday morning, I added 10 more and added 10 more each day until the 100th day of school (ours was February 21st). On the 100th day, I added the last 10 words. Students who completed the paper, were given a homework pass.
Kindergarten Alternative
I was afraid the idea would eliminate most of our kindergarten students, so we sent home an adjusted assignment for K. They needed to write 100 letters or words they knew…they did not have to be formed with the letters in our school name.
The explanation told students if they wrote each letter, upper and lower case, they would be more than half-way there. They could write color words, shape words, word wall words, names in their family, and more.
One day in the middle of this “event,” a kindergartner came up to me in the hallway and said, “Did you know I know 100 words? I do!”
Students were also allowed to dress up on the 100th day…as 100-year-olds. They were super cute, but I don’t have pictures, sorry.
This was fun. If you’d like to download and save this 100th Day idea for next year, click the link or picture below.