#oneword2019: A New Year Promise to Create

  • Post published:December 31, 2018
  • Post category:Inspiration

#oneword2019: A New Year Promise to Create Cathy Collier

Well, last year I stumbled upon something on twitter: a one word promise…that is NOT a resolution. #oneword2018 was one of my favorite blog posts. It was crazy reflective and made me be still and think about me. Last year my word was honor. I decided I would honor my family, my passions, my opportunities, my abilities, my relationships, my gifts, and my job. I had a bracelet with the word honor stamped on it and I had my scrabble tile reminder under my computer monitor…staring at me all year. AND, I feel like I did it. So many things in 2018 can be brought back to the word honor

So…it’s that time again.

#oneword2019 will help me CREATE time, relationships, and memories and focus my attention and my intention. What is your #oneword2019?

What will it be this year?

I revisited this notion of a resolution, why was one word better. I listened to a few videos about New Year’s Resolutions…and how hard they are to complete.

50% of people make a resolution, 10% do it.

And here’s some even worse news, of that 10% only 15% are 50-years-old or older. We have habits and breaking habits is harder the longer you’ve been doing them. So…I’ll completely ignore the idea of resolutions again. I went back and listened to the same videos again…so often I think we hear different things in the same message…because we need to hear it differently. The same video…a 4 minute video by Jon Gordon, the author of One Word that will Change your Life. Then I listened to another video…it was a video put out by the University of the Pacific. They did a one word campaign on their campus. One of the most powerful things for me was this gap between the real you and the ideal you. What is in that gap? Doubt? Fear?

#oneword2019 will help me CREATE time, relationships, and memories and focus my attention and my intention. What is your #oneword2019? CREATE

Yep, that’s my word. I have been thinking about word for the last few weeks. Taking time to see what word spoke to me. Then, in TJ Maxx it hit me. I was staring at the Rae Dunn items and going back and forth between “create” and “believe.” I like Rae Dunn, but she isn’t really my style, but feeling compelled to choose a word made on the “trendy” thing seemed like the thing to do. I chose “create” in that moment and went to the register. THEN, waiting in the line I saw this mug. #create. I don’t do coffee but I was stunned by this mug. #create. This is it. My word…not done in the trendy way, but in my way. (Disclaimer: There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Rae Dunn items…I love that they are simple and decidedly imperfect…they just don’t speak to me.)

#oneword2019 will help me CREATE time, relationships, and memories and focus my attention and my intention. What is your #oneword2019?

Back to CREATE

So here is my plan. Create a schedule that gives time for my passions and my work. Create relationships both professionally and personally. Take time to create a safe place for colleagues and create moments with loved ones. Create an environment that makes me better. I have been working on this for a while. When my space is mine…I’m more creative. Create value in my work, my blog, my knowledge, and my professional development opportunities. Create time for what I love. I want to be in the moment and be present for those I love. AND finally, create memories.

I challenge you to take a moment to think of your #oneword2019. What will be your focus? What will be your goal? What will take your time? If you need more, check out this quick vide

#oneword2019 will help me CREATE time, relationships, and memories and focus my attention and my intention. What is your #oneword2019?

#oneword2018 was something new for me, but this year I’m excited about my #oneword2019.

Have a Happy 2019!

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