5 Fun & Easy Ideas for Segmenting and Blending Phonemes

Segmenting and Blending phonemes in the early grades is not just a game, it’s crucial. This vital part of phonemic awareness will lead to future success in decoding and encoding. For kindergarten and first-grade teachers, fostering phoneme segmenting and blending…

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3 Fun CVC Activities for Practicing Word Building

CVC Activities for Word Building are the foundation of all spelling. Students need to practice word building over and over and over! Providing a variety of CVC word building activities will help students make solid letter/sound associations, understand letter order…

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An Absolute Intervention for Struggling Writers: Stoplight Writing Really Works

Do you need an intervention for students struggling with spelling words confidently? This is it. Stoplight writing is something students can hang on to. Teaching emergent readers to write can be far more complicated than you think. Writing words involves,…

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My 5 Favorite Back to School Resources: From My Classroom to Yours for a Productive Start

Had a teacher recently ask me what my favorite Back to School resources from my store were. "You have so much in your store, and there's so much on TPT, I get overwhelmed." Well, teachers don't need any additional stress. After…

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CVC Spelling Intervention: Getting the Green Light for Early Spellers

Spelling can be far more complicated than you think. Writing words involves, at a minimum, knowing letter names, knowing letter sounds, understanding letter/sound associations, knowing letter formations AND being able to hold the pencil and make the letters. WOW. That…

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Books Introductions in Small Group: Using Vowels for 4 Steps to a Powerful Start

I've talked about book introductions in another blog post.  Check out my post 4 Book Introductions You Don't Want to Miss gave 4 ideas for introducing a book. Too often we skip the introduction and jump into vocabulary and reading, but…

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