Predicting as a Reading Comprehension Strategy…for the LOVE of Reading

Predicting is looking into a crystal ball. Looking into a crystal ball will probably result in losing your money and gaining very little understanding of the unknown. However, teaching students to predict can help them gain reading knowledge. predicting -…

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Mentor Text: Introducing Sequencing to Kindergartners with “First the Egg”

Sequencing is always a hard task with early students, but this mentor text can help. This is such a cute book. The text is deceivingly simple and so are the illustrations. BUT, the book can be as complex as you'd…

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Inferences for Kindergartners…Teaching Them to Use What They Know

Inferences? Seriously? In Kindergarten? Absolutely. It's just a matter of making it meaningful to five-year-olds...and you can. Look at the picture above. Did it snow last night? How do we know? Is there snow on the branches? Even if we…

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Obsessed with Paint Chips: Using Paint Chips to make Lessons Colorful

Paint Chips. I can't help it.  There is something about those multi-hues that is so appealing.  I used them when I taught a scrapbook class on colors.  AND I love the commercials from Sherman-Williams using animated paint chips.   Here…

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First, Then, Last – An Easy Way to Teach Sequencing

Can you teach sequencing at the emergent level? Of course, you can.  It was definitely a trick question.  It’s all about routine, practice, expectation, and confidence.  If you follow my blog you know I preach and preach about routine.  Emergent…

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