Mentor Text: GoldiRocks and the Three Bears for Compare and Contrast, that isn't spelled the cutest book. Mentor texts are such an integral part of a great lesson. Teaching about something and connecting it to a book can make a lasting impression on students AND entertain them. They won't…

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6 Steps for Success with Sequencing with Early Readers and Writers

I blogged about a sequencing center in 2015, but I'd like to talk about a six different steps for teaching sequence and creating success. Students can be directed through a variety of experiences moving experiences from teacher-led, teacher-directed to student-led,…

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3 Making Predictions Lessons with Early Learners Builds Reading Comprehension

I blogged about Predicting back in April 2014, but I think it's worth talking about again.  (Click here to see the original post.)  When students can use predicting effortlessly, their comprehension can increase.  Predicting allows students to put pieces of the…

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Tried and True Ideas for Teaching Cause and Effect that Engage Early Readers

I actually had someone tell me early readers didn't need to know about cause and effect because "it was too hard to bring it to their level." I, respectfully, disagree.  It's not necessarily about the skill, it's about the approach.…

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Character Traits: Secrets for discussing character feelings that go beyond “happy”

Character traits questions are infamously answered with "happy" and "sad." But we need to move students beyond that. Just teach them and practice. It's easy. One of the most common questions during a comprehension conversation is "How does the character…

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