Mentor Text: GoldiRocks and the Three Bears for Compare and Contrast

Mentor Text: GoldiRocks and the Three Bears for Compare and Contrast

Goldirocks…no, that isn’t spelled wrong…is the cutest book. Mentor texts are such an integral part of a great lesson. Teaching about something and connecting it to a book can make a lasting impression on students AND entertain them. They won’t even know they are learning a lesson. They are just loving the book.


Goldirocks Book Summary

This is such a cute book.  

It is perfect lesson for compare and contrast.  

It’s quite obviously a play on the traditional story of Goldi Rocks and the 3 Bears.  I can see boys and girls both loving this book.  It is written with a limerick rhyme pattern that will keep everyone engaged.

The Three Bears are in a rock band, but lack a lead singer. Who can possibly help them?

Goldirocks Mentor Text: Vocabulary

  • jammed
  • fans
  • croon
  • soprano
  • porridge
  • studio
  • explore
  • mike
  • stand
  • headphones
  • dozed
  • keys
  • cottage
  • drooling
  • slumbering
  • albums
  • rock charts

Goldirocks book activity

The FREEBIE today contains both a Venn Diagram and a Math Comparison activity.  The Venn looks at the original story and the “rockin” version.  

This can be done with a document camera as a whole group OR as an individual activity.  The math comparison activity is a size sort relating to the story.  Students can use the

Enjoy the book and to enjoy the FREEBIE Compare and Contrast link or the picture below.

Goldi Rocks and the Three Bears is a great introduction to Compare and Contrast. What a fun twist on an old favorite.

There is also a Compare and Contrast set for more ideas.

Compare and Contrast ~ Teaching Primary Students to Look at All Angles Cathy Collier
Cathy Collier

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