Mentor Text: Thankful for Thanksgiving on Thursday Vocabulary Lesson

Thanksgiving on Thursday is one my favorite Magic Tree House Books. Hello, I am excited to join in this fall blog hop.  As you might know from earlier posts, I am a Magic Tree House fanatic.  

The fall is the perfect time to talk about Magic TreeHouse.  Thanksgiving on Thursday is a wonderful addition to your fall catalog.

Dynamic Vocabulary Instruction

Dynamic vocabulary instruction makes all the difference when exposing students to vocabulary above their reading level.  We shouldn’t limit the words they are exposed to based on their reading level or perceived comprehension level.  

When vocabulary is discussed, developed, and used in a context that is understandable, students will grow as readers and wordsmiths.

Lesson Introduction

Before we start a new Magic TreeHouse book, we always discuss words that may be stumbling blocks.

Thanksgiving on Thursday is no exception.

These words are discussed with illustrations where possible.  

Some words are not discussed before reading, but are discussed both while reading or after reading.  

On page 27 the word “fowling” is introduced and defined on the same page.  

This word should be revisited after the chapter, but it is unnecessary to discuss it at the beginning of the book. Students should be taught to allow the text to define the words, as well.

Vocabulary Cards

As students are listening to reading, allow them to be active listeners.  When words are pre-taught, they can help respond to the vocabulary as they are read in the story.  

Before reading the chapter of the day, pass out the vocabulary cards.  That student is responsible for listening for that particular word.  They let the class know when the word is read and what the word means.  

Of course, not all words are read each day, but a quick review can help them remember the words. I have added the work “musket” in the vocabulary set, as it is important in the story.

However, if you are uncomfortable with introducing that word, I have a second vocabulary card without it. You can use your discretion with your students.

Encouraging Vocabulary use

Students should be encouraged to use the vocabulary words in their writing and in their centers.  

Squiggles is a perfect time to add vocabulary words.  

If they are illustrating a house, they can add a thatched roof.

When they are drawing about food, it can be cooked on a spit or a hearth.  

They can add a feast to a dinner table or have a bare tree in the yard.  

Adding a special sticker or a star on the work for using vocabulary can add incentive to our students.  During a squiggle center in December, this student drew a picture of a spit and wrote the sentences, “I see the fish cooking on the spit.  This fish is over the fire.”

Now it’s time to hop to the next stop. Thanks for visiting today and be sure to come back soon.  To go what the fabulous Janiel has to offer today, click on the picture below or NEXT STOP.

If you would like the FREEBIE Thanksgiving on Thursday Vocabulary Card, click the link.

This book also has a complete set and it is included in the GROWING BIG BUNDLE.

WARNING:  The book talks about the use of a musket.

The Vocabulary Card Set includes two choices: one with a musket and one without.

Mentor Text: Thankful for Thanksgiving on Thursday Vocabulary Lesson

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