Silly Sally Goes to School And Students are Loving It

Silly Sally is one of my favorite stories for back to school. Not only is written by the Audrey Wood, but it’s a simple book with lots of layers. Silly Sally is so silly, it speaks to kindergartners in a giggly sort of way.  If you haven’t read Silly Sally, you are in for a treat.

As you can tell this is a silly tale. Let’s look at some of the skills and activities you can do with Silly Sally.

silly sally: Let’s Rhyme

This skill is obvious. Ask students to listen carefully to the story to find the rhyming words. At the end of the each page, ask the students to find the rhyming words. Using some of the pictures from the story, you can start a rhyming activity.  There are pictures in the FREEBIE that can be used for this activity.

silLy sally: Let’s Move

Rereading this story is a wonderful gateway for a movement activity. Students should not be asked to turn upside down (of course) because it could be too dangerous.

However, the other movements in the story are fun. Students can dance like the pig, leap like the dog, sing like the loon, sleep like the sheep, and tickle like Neddy Buttercup.

Students should be asked to tickle themselves, so personal space and personal touching isn’t involved.

Silly Sally: Let’s Write

This is a great Friday activity. After playing with the text all week, students will make a class book about going to school “upside down” like Sally.  Giving the students the provided paper, have the students write their name on the line at the bottom.  Then, turn the paper upside down and do a directed drawing to draw themselves. (Draw a circle for the face, a rectangle for the body, legs and arms, facial features, and especially, the hair.) When they turn the paper around correctly, they will see themselves walking upside down. Combine these pages for a fun book about the class.

Why Silly Sally?

Well, the world needs more Silly Sally, don’t you think? We need to be able to giggle and tickle and walk upside down so we have a break from the real world. If you would like the Silly Sally FREEBIE, click the link or the picture below.

Follow our Pinterest Board

Our group has a mentor text Pinterest board filled with ideas to go with many different book titles. If you’re looking for ideas, it’s a great place to start.

Silly Sally Goes to School And Students are Loving It

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