Kindergarten 1972: How has it changed? Looking at a Summer Letter

Comparing a Kindergarten Summer Letter in 1972 with our education system today. How has it changed?

I was in kindergarten 1972-1973. I recently came across the Kindergarten Summer Letter my mom was given in the summer of 1973. I loved kindergarten…Mrs. Nelson was my teacher and I distinctly remember big fat paintbrushes, tempera paint and easels.

I swear I can smell it. 


All the letter symbols had been introduced in kindergarten, but the Summer Letter suggested practice with the sounds. Interestingly, the teachers suggested reviewing letter sounds for all vowels, 18 consonants (the letter did not include Q, X, and Z), and 4 digraphs (sh, ch, wh, and th).

Suggestions included cutting pictures for each sound out of magazines, drawing pictures, and connecting sounds to oral words. I LOVE the last sentence: “Most important of all, make it a fun time and not a punishment or work time.”

KINDERGARTEN High Frequency Words

Comparing a Kindergarten Summer Letter in 1972 with our education system today. How has it changed?

Read the opening sentence: “Here are 15 frequency words that would be helpful to them in beginning reading next year: it, to, the, go, will, he, I, a, on, not, is, in, we, you, and.”

This list of words isn’t unusual and is a great starting point, but I think it’s interesting these words would be introduced in first grade.

The sight word sentences with the pictures are great. They are emphasizing the sight words, not the words that should be decoded.


Check out the other activities? Some that surprise me.

1. Print your name 3 times a week. How many times a week do our kindergartners print their name? I wouldn’t think to have them practice this over the summer.

3. Print 3 different letters each week. What? How funny is that?  At 3 letters a week and only 8 weeks…students wouldn’t even practice all the letters by the end of the summer. Wow. My kindergartners are writing in sentences. 

6. Say ABC’s 1 time a week. Gracious.

Comparing a Kindergarten Summer Letter in 1972 with our education system today. How has it changed?
Comparing a Kindergarten Summer Letter in 1972 with our education system today. How has it changed?

Some others I like, though.

12. Have someone read a story to you every day.

13. Make weekly visits to the library. 

What do you think?

I have to be honest, my first reaction is that my kindergartners can do more than that. I also think my kindergartners would be lost in first grade without more skills.

Then again, I think we had plenty of time for big fat paintbrushes, tempera paint, and easels. 

Do you have a child or grandchild going to kindergarten in the fall? Check out this post for some ideas for Getting Ready for Kindergarten.

Cathy Collier

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