3 Exciting Ideas for Teaching Fractions with Early Learners

Fractions at the kindergarten level area all about understanding equal parts and fair shares. As you know, math isn’t my thing…but even I can do kindergarten math. We do not talk about numeral representations of fractions and we don’t label fractions as 1/2 or 1/4. We only talk about fair shares.

Thankfully, all students know when something is a fair share…so use that to your advantage.

Fractions Anchor Chart

Say with me now, “Always start with an anchor chart.”

The anchor chart helps students become independent learners.

There are many ways to make anchor charts but making them with the class is essential.

They need to help build the anchor chart to own it. Students can glue pieces on the chart and interactively write the explanations.

If you would like to pre-write the explanation leaving blanks for sight words and decodable text (make sure things put on the walls are spelled correctly).

When they own it, they use it. I also have pre-made 8 1/2 x 11 anchor charts in a 3-ring binder and smaller  anchor charts for interactive notebooks.

Fractions Introduction Whole Group

Students can work together to understand equal parts and fair shares.

A fun activity for making equal parts and fair shares.

Give each student a part of a shape…some cut into equal parts and fair shares and some not. Each child needs to find the partner for their half.

Partners need to determine if their object was dividing fairly, then they can add the objects to the pocket chart.

Once everyone has added their pictures to the pocket chart, they will present their object to the class and explain why they put their object in the chart column.

Once the students understand equal parts and fair shares, move on to making sets and dividing sets to make equal parts and fair shares. Asking students to draw a line and divide objects into two equal pieces, then disperse the items equally among two.

Fractions Independent Work

Independent work is a crucial step in any learning. Students can:

  • sort pictures
  • sort vocabulary
  • divide and share items among people

Fractions Fun and Yummy Hands-on Activity

Pass out the graham crackers.

I love using graham crackers because they can be easily divided into equal shares.

Give three graham cracker squares to each set of two students.

On the answer sheet students list their partner and then divide the graham crackers on paper (drawing a line down the middle and labeling it between two students).

When they have divided it on paper, they raise their hand to have it checked. Then

they divide the graham crackers on plates in front of them and raise their hand to have it checked. They are actually participating in dividing and sharing twice. Once they are checked, they get to EAT!

FrACTIONS Read Alouds

Connecting fractions (or any math concept) to text always helps students make connections.

Using this cute book, Fractions are for Sharing, students can see sharing is best.

If you would like a Fractions Anchor Chart FREEBIE, click the link.

If you would like to look at my Fractions for Early Learners, click the link or the picture below.

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