4th of July Excitement: Celebrating America’s Birthday with 4 Free Items

4th of July means flags, fireworks and peach cobbler. Virginia's history standards for kindergarten includes teaching about Independence Day.  It's a little more difficult to teach about Independence Day when you aren't in school in July...so, this was always my…

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Writing Centers for Early Learners: 5 Centers for Encouraging Independence

Writing Center is a must. But, I also think a 4 Square Center, a First, Then, Last Center, Fab 5 Center and a Word Wall Word Center with Configuration Boxes.  Writing Centers are the most important part of their independence.…

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Obsessed with Paint Chips: Using Paint Chips to make Lessons Colorful

Paint Chips. I can't help it.  There is something about those multi-hues that is so appealing.  I used them when I taught a scrapbook class on colors.  AND I love the commercials from Sherman-Williams using animated paint chips.   Here…

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